Explore this Topic U.S. Air Force Bombers 101 What bomber aircraft does the United States Air Force have in its arsenal and what are their capabilities?
Nov02 The Role of Space in Maritime Operations The Maritime Security Dialogue brings together CSIS and USNI, two of the nation’s most respected non-partisan institutions. The series is intended to highlight the particular challenges facing the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, from national level maritime policy to naval concept development and program design
Jun21 Integrating Strike and Defense Adversary missile forces represent one of the most pressing threats to the power projection capabilities of the U.S. military. Ballistic, cruise, and air defense missile systems can be used to hold U.S. bases and platforms at risk and deny the U.S. military access to and freedom of action within contested areas.
Explore this Topic U.S. Space Launch Vehicles 101 This 101 piece gives a brief overview of operational, or soon-to-be operational, launch vehicles developed by American companies, sometimes with government aid.
View The Evolution of Space as a Contested Domain By Todd Harrison, Zack Cooper, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedOctober 10, 2017 From the dawn of the first space age, Americans understood the many benefits that could come from the peaceful uses of space and the great harm that could result from hostile uses of space.
View Bringing the Air Force into its Centennial By Heather Wilson PublishedOctober 5, 2017 Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke at CSIS on October 5, 2017, outlining the service’s priorities for its major acquisition efforts over the next three decades.
View Options for the Ground-Based Leg of the Nuclear Triad By Todd Harrison, Evan Linck PublishedSeptember 21, 2017 The purpose of this report is to provide an independent assessment of the options available; including the impetus for the program, a review of the Air Force’s analysis of alternatives for the GBSD, alternatives to modernization, and key questions for policymakers to consider as the MDAP moves forward.
View How It Works: Detecting a North Korean Missile Strike on Guam By Todd Harrison, Tom Karako, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedAugust 28, 2017 In August 2017, North Korea threatened to launch four ballistic missiles towards Guam, targeting waters less than 30 kilometers off the island’s coast. How and when would U.S. missile defense forces respond if an attack like this were to take place?
View Seven Ways to Make the LRS-B Program a Success By Todd Harrison, Andrew Hunter PublishedOctober 27, 2015 Many things can (and often do) go wrong in defense acquisitions, but here are seven things the military, contractor team, and Congress can do to help keep the LRS-B program on track.