View Space Threat 2018: Conclusion PublishedApril 12, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 evaluates open-source information on counterspace activities of adversaries, allies, and non-state actors. Counterspace weapon development from some adversaries is of serious concern and require immediate attention from policymakers.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 By Todd Harrison, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedApril 11, 2018 Several countries and non-state actors are developing, or have already developed, counterspace weapons that could be used against vulnerable U.S. space assets. This report assesses open-source information and provides a succinct view into what space and counterspace assets China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other actors are developing.
View Improving our Deterrence Posture in Space By Todd Harrison PublishedApril 11, 2018 While there’s no guarantee that all adversaries can or will be deterred from attacking space systems, every effort should be made to raise the costs and reduce the benefits of doing so.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 PublishedApril 11, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 analyzes the open-source information available on the counterspace capabilities of other countries that can threaten U.S. space systems.
Mar14 Space Warfighting Readiness: Policies, Authorities, and Capabilities Hosted ByHouse Armed Services Committee Watch program director Todd Harrison testify before the House Armed Services Committee on emerging space threats.
Feb28 Strategic National Security Space: FY19 Budget Forum This conference, in collaboration with the CSIS Defense Budget Analysis Project, will address the dynamic national security space landscape including the release of the Trump administration’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget, the evolving threat environment, and changes in the organization of the national security space enterprise.
Jan18 En Route to the Moon: Creating a More Resilient Civil Space Architecture The Trump Administration has emphasized civil and commercial space as one of its top priorities with the reinstatement of the National Space Council, the signing of Space Policy Directive 1, and the recent National Security Strategy, which prioritized the improvement of our U.S. space architecture resiliency. This conference will focus on how NASA and others can promptly adapt civil space architectures in pursuit of the Administration’s mission objectives.
View Deterrence in the Last Sanctuary By Zack Cooper, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedJanuary 2, 2018 There’s never been a war in the space domain, but some believe it won’t be that way forever. For 60 years, space has been the exception: the one domain that has remained free from the scars of war. By better understanding the dynamics of the second space age, we may be able to keep it that way.
View Why We Should Be Worried about a War in Space By Thomas G. Roberts PublishedDecember 15, 2017 There aren’t enough rules governing military behavior in the upper atmosphere.
Dec01 Global Security Forum 2016: Key Decisions for Strategic Space Programs in the Next Administration A forum on the top challenges facing U.S. and global security in the space domain.