View U.S.-China Competition in Outer Space By Todd Harrison, Zack Cooper, Brian Weeden PublishedNovember 6, 2017 In this podcast, CSIS experts Todd Harrison and Dr. Zack Cooper along with Secure World Foundation’s Dr. Brian Weeden talk about the changes in the space domain since the end of the Cold War and China’s expanding capabilities, describe how the proliferation of space technology has impacted other countries in the Indo-Pacific, and assess the implications for international cooperation in space exploration.
Oct04 Escalation and Deterrence in the Second Space Age On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first human-made object to orbit the Earth. Precisely 60 years later, space-faring nations face a much different space environment; one that’s more diverse, disruptive, disordered, and dangerous. Today’s space domain presents a number of asymmetries that differ from other domains, creating a deterrence environment with unique policy implications.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 PublishedApril 11, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 analyzes the open-source information available on the counterspace capabilities of other countries that can threaten U.S. space systems.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 By Todd Harrison, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedApril 11, 2018 Several countries and non-state actors are developing, or have already developed, counterspace weapons that could be used against vulnerable U.S. space assets. This report assesses open-source information and provides a succinct view into what space and counterspace assets China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other actors are developing.
View Space Threat 2018: Conclusion PublishedApril 12, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 evaluates open-source information on counterspace activities of adversaries, allies, and non-state actors. Counterspace weapon development from some adversaries is of serious concern and require immediate attention from policymakers.
View Space Threat 2018: Other Actors Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Other actors, including allies, adversaries, and non-state, are developing or using counterspace weapons.
View Space Threat 2018: Iran Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Iran’s pursuit of space and counterspace capabilities is a more recent development and is tied in many ways to its ballistic missile programs. However, Iran has previously used advanced jamming against commercial satellites and are reportedly further developing their cyber capabilities, as well.
View Space Threat 2018: North Korea Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 While North Korea’s space and counterspace capabilities are limited, it has made substantial progress developing its missile, jamming, and cyber capabilities. North Korea’s missile technology clearly aligns with its strive to become a nuclear power; its jamming and cyberattack capabilities tend to be more accessible and lower-tech than some counterspace weapons.
View Power and Prestige in the Space Domain By Gen. C. Robert Kehler (USAF Ret.) PublishedApril 12, 2018 Our adversaries and potential adversaries have noted the significant advantages of space superiority and have moved aggressively to field forces that can challenge our space capabilities from the ground, in space, and through cyberspace. Urgent action is needed.
View Space Threat 2018: Russia Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Russia’s space and counterspace capabilities suffered after the fall of the Soviet Union, but it has since made significant progress rebuilding both programs.