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U.S. Air Force Budget

Graphic displaying the U.S. Air Force Budget divided by the focus area of funding.

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One way to track the priorities of the U.S. Air Force is through their budget and what programs they increase or decrease funding towards. Check out the chart above and table below for budget information on selected Air Force programs. The FY 2018 and FY 2019 Estimates come from the Air Force’s documents for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. The FY 2019 President’s Budget Request comes from the FY 2019 budget documents released in February 2018 and are the Administration’s, and the Air Force’s, request for funding for FY 2019. To see how the Administration’s priorities have changed, reference the change in funding from the FY 2019 Estimates and the FY 2019 President’s Budget Request.

Search the budget table below by program or cost. Sort each category by clicking the column headers.

All adjustments for inflation in this data repository are made using the GDP Chained Price Index published by the Office of Management and Budget in Historical Table 10.1.

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wdt_ID Programs FY 2018 PB Request (FY 2018 $M) FY 2019 Estimate (FY 2018 $M) FY 2019 PB Request (FY 2018 $M) Notes
1 F-35A 5,141.90 4,513.90 5,822.79
2 B-21 (LRSB) 2,003.58 2,662.02 2,268.99
3 KC-46 3,333.10 3,309.50 2,604.74
4 GBSD 215.72 347.64 338.30
5 T-X 106.00 323.46 260.28
6 Presidential Aircraft Recapitalization 434.07 737.10 659.89
7 MC-130J 698.71 468.85 1,337.78 Also includes HC-130
8 JSTARs Recapitalization 417.20 623.25 0.00
9 Combat Rescue Helicopter 354.49 549.98 1,115.63
10 JDAMs 710.10 312.88 306.77
11 JASSMs 471.30 477.31 467.98
12 LRSO 451.29 619.55 602.91
13 Advanced EHF 202.58 159.25 177.79
14 GPS III 840.27 1,353.11 1,087.90 Includes OCX
15 SBIRS 1,425.27 893.12 195.08
16 EELV 1,861.48 1,789.46 1,911.89
Programs FY 2018 PB Request (FY 2018 $M) FY 2019 Estimate (FY 2018 $M) FY 2019 PB Request (FY 2018 $M) Notes
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