Analysis Space Security Congress approved the Space Force. Now What? PublishedDecember 19, 2019 By Kaitlyn Johnson JCSAT-18 Mission. Photo by SpaceX Here we are, at the beginning of what will likely be a long and winding road for the Space Force. And it’s exciting! Whether or not you thought the Space Force was the right organizational structure, or if this is the right time for a change, the Space Force is moving forward with the passing of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The best next step is to support the servicemembers launching the new military service. While discussing important aspects of the new service, like culture, acquisition structure, and interoperability, will likely be overshadowed in the media by the less-important aspects (e.g., Netflix’s Space Force series, rank structure, and uniforms), we first need to understand what the Congress agreed on ‒ and what has been left out. Download PDF