View Space Threat 2018: Iran Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Iran’s pursuit of space and counterspace capabilities is a more recent development and is tied in many ways to its ballistic missile programs. However, Iran has previously used advanced jamming against commercial satellites and are reportedly further developing their cyber capabilities, as well.
View Space Threat 2018: Other Actors Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Other actors, including allies, adversaries, and non-state, are developing or using counterspace weapons.
View Space Threat 2018: Conclusion PublishedApril 12, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 evaluates open-source information on counterspace activities of adversaries, allies, and non-state actors. Counterspace weapon development from some adversaries is of serious concern and require immediate attention from policymakers.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 By Todd Harrison, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedApril 11, 2018 Several countries and non-state actors are developing, or have already developed, counterspace weapons that could be used against vulnerable U.S. space assets. This report assesses open-source information and provides a succinct view into what space and counterspace assets China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other actors are developing.
View Improving our Deterrence Posture in Space By Todd Harrison PublishedApril 11, 2018 While there’s no guarantee that all adversaries can or will be deterred from attacking space systems, every effort should be made to raise the costs and reduce the benefits of doing so.
View Space Threat Assessment 2018 PublishedApril 11, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 analyzes the open-source information available on the counterspace capabilities of other countries that can threaten U.S. space systems.
View Congressional Testimony: Space Warfighting Readiness By Todd Harrison PublishedMarch 14, 2018 Read Todd Harrison’s full testimony before the House Armed Services Committee on “Space Warfighting Readiness: Policies, Authorities, and Capabilities.”
View Around the World in 60 Minutes (Or Less!) By Kaitlyn Johnson PublishedJanuary 17, 2018 Space travel could be the next revolution in human transportation. Are commercial companies, like SpaceX, developing viable options? Furthermore, what other applications may this technology have?
View Deterrence in the Last Sanctuary By Zack Cooper, Thomas G. Roberts PublishedJanuary 2, 2018 There’s never been a war in the space domain, but some believe it won’t be that way forever. For 60 years, space has been the exception: the one domain that has remained free from the scars of war. By better understanding the dynamics of the second space age, we may be able to keep it that way.
View Bad Idea: Space-Based Missile Interceptors By Thomas G. Roberts PublishedDecember 19, 2017 The idea of space-based missile interceptors is not new nor prohibited, but it is a bad idea. This piece looks beyond the policy arguments and explores the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities of space-based missiles.