View Professional Development Course: Understanding National Security Space PublishedSeptember 25, 2018 Understanding National Security Space is a professional development program designed to explore the technical, budgetary, and policy issues in the U.S. national security space enterprise. Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in international security, space policy, missile defense, or other related areas.
View International Launch Vehicles 101 Last UpdatedJune 14, 2022 A brief overview and technical details of currently operating international space launch vehicles.
View National Security Space Organizations 101 Last UpdatedJune 14, 2022 A primer on national security space organizations for the United States government, to include agencies such as the new U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Command, and others.
View Report: Space Threat Assessment 2020 By Todd Harrison, Kaitlyn Johnson, Thomas G. Roberts, Tyler Way, Makena YoungPublishedMarch 30, 2020 Space Threat Assessment 2020 aggregates and analyzes publicly available information on the counterspace capabilities of other nations.
View Space Threat 2018: China Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Arguably the fastest rising power in space, China has made rapid progress in developing both its space and counterspace capabilities. The country has tested direct-ascent ASAT weapons, on-orbit robotics, and remote proximity operations. Reports indicate that China is also developing and testing directed-energy and jamming technologies.
View Space Threat 2018: Russia Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Russia’s space and counterspace capabilities suffered after the fall of the Soviet Union, but it has since made significant progress rebuilding both programs.
View Space Threat 2018: North Korea Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 While North Korea’s space and counterspace capabilities are limited, it has made substantial progress developing its missile, jamming, and cyber capabilities. North Korea’s missile technology clearly aligns with its strive to become a nuclear power; its jamming and cyberattack capabilities tend to be more accessible and lower-tech than some counterspace weapons.
View Space Threat 2018: Iran Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Iran’s pursuit of space and counterspace capabilities is a more recent development and is tied in many ways to its ballistic missile programs. However, Iran has previously used advanced jamming against commercial satellites and are reportedly further developing their cyber capabilities, as well.
View Space Threat 2018: Other Actors Assessment PublishedApril 12, 2018 Other actors, including allies, adversaries, and non-state, are developing or using counterspace weapons.
View Space Threat 2018: Conclusion PublishedApril 12, 2018 Space Threat Assessment 2018 evaluates open-source information on counterspace activities of adversaries, allies, and non-state actors. Counterspace weapon development from some adversaries is of serious concern and require immediate attention from policymakers.