The United States’ Role in Space Situational Awareness

Event Details
DateOctober 10, 2018
Time10:00am - 11:00am
Address1616 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20036Map

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The CSIS Aerospace Security Project invites you to a panel discussion on current issues affecting Space Situational Awareness (SSA). With plans to launch thousands of new satellites over the next ten years, more than doubling the number of objects orbiting the Earth, SSA is becoming more critical than ever before. How can the United States improve its current SSA capabilities? How can the U.S. Government or private American companies lead by example for other space actors around the world?

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Bhavya Lal, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses
Victoria Samson, Director, Washington Office, Secure World Foundation
Audrey Schaffer, Director, Space Strategy and Plans, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Moderated by:

Kaitlyn Johnson, ​Research Associate, Aerospace Security Project, CSIS