Events Rethinking the Role of Remotely Crewed Systems in the Future Force DateMarch 26, 2021 Event Details DateMarch 26, 2021 Time11am-12pm ET AddressMap This event has already taken place. Please join us on Friday, March 26 at 11:00 am ET for a conversation on the role of remotely crewed systems in the future force. Todd Harrison, director of the Aerospace Security Project and Defense Budget Analysis at CSIS, will present the findings of his recent report on the subject and discuss the future application of remotely crewed systems with Scott Wierzbanowski, a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office at DARPA, Dr. Ulrike Franke, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, and Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider, a Hoover Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Rachel Cohen of the Air Force Times will moderate the conversation. Please register for the event using the link below. Space is limited. Register This event is made possible by support from General Atomics.