View Next Steps for Japan-U.S. Cooperation in Space By Todd Harrison, Zack Cooper PublishedOctober 28, 2016 The space domain is increasingly important to Japan and the United States for both military security and economic prosperity. Space has also become a key enabler for the projection of military power, allowing mobile forces to be networked over greater distances and across all regions of the globe. What are the next steps for Japan – U.S. cooperation in the space domain?
View If Russia is Selling, the Pentagon Should Keep Buying — Rocket Engines, That Is By Todd Harrison PublishedMay 18, 2016 What’s the rush? Before hastily cutting off the engines we need, Congress should set the conditions for a better American space launch market.
View Space and Security: A Conversation with Sean O’Keefe By Todd Harrison, Sean O'Keefe PublishedNovember 16, 2015 Todd Harrison sat down with former NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe to discuss how the U.S. military’s increasing reliance on space-based capabilities raises a number of issues, such as how to deter threats and increase cooperation with partners and allies in space.